Diesel sai lähteä omalla kotipihallaan kesken palloleikin. Vihreä kumipallo on kaikkien aikojen paras esine Diisun mielestä, mutta sillä ei ole leikitty nyt yli kuukauteen. Ensimmäinen piikki tuikattiin kankkuun leikin lomassa. Kun jalat alkoi tuntua huterilta, Diisu tunki pään pallo suussaan syliini ja otti tukea. Siihen, syliini se sai nukahtaa lopullisesti. Vihreä kumipallo pysyi suussa alusta loppuun asti, automatkan kotipihalta Helsinkiin ja vielä yliopiston tutkimuspöydälle saakka, jossa otin pannan pois ja pallo pysyi yhä suussa. Onkohan se tipahtanut vieläkään?

Yliopistolla Dieselille tehdään tietokonetomografiakuvauksia, joita hyödynnetään rodun selkätutkimuksessa. Laitan tarkempia tietoja tänne blogiin sitten jonain päivänä.

Diesel got to leave this world playing with his favorite green rubber ball in our own garden for the first time in a month. My friend came over to put him to sleep at home. Diesel got the first shot amidst squeeking the ball. When he started to feel unstable he pushed his head in my lap, the ball in his mouth, for support. And there he got to fall asleep, in my arms with the ball in his mouth. In the end his heart stopped beating but the ball stayed in his mouth even though Diesel was already long gone. I drove to the Helsinki University and we carried him to the examination room, I took off his collar - and he was still holding the ball in his mouth. I wonder if it will ever drop?

A researcher team will perform some CT (computer tomography) scans on Diesel post mortem for the project that studies spine abnormalities in the PON in Helsinki University. I hope studying his case will benefit the science and all dogs in general one day. I will get the results later on and will make a note about it in this blog.

Diesel adored me and always thought that I can fix everything. But this I could not fix. I hope he'll forgive me.