Ei siinä mitään, lumi on kivaa jne, mutta nyt se alkaa jo vähän hidastaa tahtia. Koirat on olleet hieman levottomia ja energisiä viime päivinä, jopa niin että Miklos on mielestäni täysin turhaan hakenut tappelua Dieselin kanssa. Diesel on kyllä hienosti aina väistänyt alta pois.

Kunnes tänään, kun laskin koirat pihalle, Miklos kävi suoraan Dieselin kimppuun. Diesel huusi ensin vähän ja antoi sitten takaisin. Kun loppua ei heti alkuunsa tullut, nostelin pojat erilleen. Diesel päätyi tässä prosessissa jostain syystä selälleen maahan ja murisi ensin takaisin mutta heti kun tajusi että siinä olikin nyt minä eikä Miklos, se vaikeni ja oli hyvin nöyrä. Haukuin kummankin pystyyn ja ne oli oikein noloina, ja Miklos roikotti oikeaa etujalkaa ilmassa vähän aikaa.

Totesin, että nyt on liikaa energiaa koirilla ja päätin lähteä viemään niitä lähipellolle juoksemaan. Tämä olikin hyvä idea sikäli, että kotiin tultua koirat kopsahti lattialle ja makaavat siinä vieläkin. :-D

We are getting more and more of snow every day. I am beginning to think that we are getting the whole winter's snow in just a couple of weeks? I haven't done much with the dogs for a few days and it is beginning to show. They are restless and full of energy. Miklos has been trying to put up a fight with Diesel in many occasions a couple of days now, but so far Diesel has just turned away.

Until today when I let the dogs out, and Miklos right away attacked Diesel for some reason. At first Diesel screamed and then he started to fight back. Because they could not find a quick solution, I grabbed them and tossed them apart and said NO. Diesel ended up lying on his back as I pulled him away, and for a short moment he continued growling at me, but as soon as he realized it was ME and not Miklos, he was such a sorry little boy! I gave them both right there a strict speach about bad behaviour and they were very embarrassed, both. Miklos held his right front foot in the air for a while.

I decided it was time to give the dogs something to do and I took them to a field nearby to "run". Indeed, it was not just running! To move forwards was very slow and more like jumping or swimming because there was so much of snow! It is about -14 C degrees now so it was also quite cold. But the main point was accomplished: when we got back in, the dogs were so tired they just went to sleep right away. ;-)