Uusi vuosi vaihtui paukkuen täällä maallakin. Naapurit eri puolilla ampuivat raketteja. Suurin pauke kävi kymmenen aikaan ja tietenkin puolilta öin. Käytin tilaisuuden hyväksi ja kävin treenaamassa tottista Diisun kanssa ulkona noihin aikoihin, palkkana oikein ekstrahyvät herkut. Hyvin meni.

Päivällä ulkoilimme kameran kanssa auringonpaisteessa.

Even if we live on the countryside the New Year's Eve is a very rocketful event here, too. Neighbours in many directions were celebrating with fireworks. I took advantage of the situation and went outside with Diesel at 10 pm and at amidnight, when the fireworks were at loudest. We did some obedience work with extra good treats. Diesel did a good job.

In the afternoon the sun was shining and I took my camera with me out with the dogs. Diesel was sooo excited to get to go out with Miklos that he acted very annoyingly running around poor Miklos and barking at him most of the time. I wonder how man years it will take for him to learn that Miklos will not play with him? When Diesel is out with Miklos he wears a muzzle as a safety precaution. They have not had a fight in about 1.5 years but I cannot take the risk of them getting into a fight - Miklos' back is in such bad condition that the strong Diesel could cause severe damage in a fight with him.