Vietimme viikonlopun Heinolassa juhlien Suomen PON-kerhon 20-vuotista taivalta iloisella porukalla. Katselmuskessa arvosteli puolalainen PON-kasvattaja Barbara Larska. Diesel sijoittui nuorten aikuisten luokassa kolmanneksi saaden kunniapalkinnon. Mielestäni Diesel sijoittui juuri ansaitsemalleen paikalle.

Erikoisnäyttelyssä Diisu sai muuten hienon arvostelun mutta purennan takia EH:n.

We spent a very nice weekend at the Finnish PON Club's 20 years anniversary shows. On Saturday there was the Club Show, and on Sunday there was Breed Specialty. In the Club show Mrs Barbara Larska placed Diesel 3rd in the class for young adults. He even got Honor Prize. I think this was the right placement for Diesel, the two dogs that went past him were gorgeous.

In the Breed specialty Diesel got otherwise great critic but VG because this judge did not find his bite fully acceptable, unlike many others.