Vietimme neljä päivää hälytysryhmän kesäleirillä Bengtsårin saaressa Hangon suunnalla. Diisu sai uida ja harjoitella vinkupallopalkkaa. Saatiin kivasti toistoja ja edistystä. Kiitos kamuille kivasta leiristä! Päänvaivaa Diisulle tuotti leirin aikana lähinnä liukas rantakallio, minkä takia vedestä pois pääseminen oli hankalaa.


We have spent four days in Helsinki SAR dog Club's annual summer camp. It was so much fun again! We did a lot of repetition with Diesel to find the best way to reward him with squeeky balls and I think we made a lot of progress. Diesel went swimming often but the slippery wet cliffs made it rather difficult for him to get out of the water.

P.S. Somebody wrote a comment to one of my blog entries some time ago, having just found this blog. There were several spam messages in the comments last week and I managed to hit the delete button before reading through this actually nice message... please post again if you are reading! Sorry and thanks!