Iltapäivällä otettiin kaksi ilmaisuharjoitusta. Tänään illalla sitten Diesel pääsi ihan ekaa kertaa mukaan hakumetsään. Hyvin meni.

Ensin otettiin kolme tuuli-ilmaisua, eli kuljin koira hihnassa ja kun koira näytti saavan hajun tuulessa, se sai mennä. Kaksi meni hyvin, kolmannelle ilmeisesti lähti ensin ekan jälkihajujen perässä, sitten lähti vastakkaiselle puolelle jäljestämään, ja sitten vasta kauempaa sai hajun ukosta.

Lopuksi otettiin tuulen alle kauas irtoaminen näyttäytyvän ja hihkuvan maalimiehen perään.


Today in the afternoon two friends rehearsed indication bark with Diesel. It was very good. In the evening Diesel got to train area search for the first time.

First we placed three people in the forest. Then Diesel was brought to the area, on leash, and we walked with him so that the wind was blowing from the hidden people. When he acted the way that he caught the scent in the wind,I quickly let him off-leash and he ran to the victim. Two first times were a success but the third time he reacted to old scents and then took off tracking in another direction. But when we proceeded he got the correct scent and followed it briskly to the victim.

In the end we took one more victim, this one was far away and the wind was at her face - Diesel got to see the person hide away and then run and look for her.

It was a very nice start for his area search training.