Tuomarina toimi Kristina Purens Ruotsista, näyttelyyn oli ilmoitettu 46 PONia, pentuja ei ollut lainkaan.

Diisu sai loistavan arvostelun ja sijoittui suuren 2-5-vuotiaitten urosten luokassa kolmanneksi, ja oli lopulta 4. paras uros. Arvostelu oli perusteellinen ja kesti melko kauan, ja Diisu ei olisi jaksanut olla tekemättä mitään ihan yhtä kauan. :-D
Tuomari ihasteli suurinta, 2-5-vuotiaitten urosten luokkaa pitkään, kehuen koko luokan olevan aivan mahtavaa katseltavaa.
Diesel sai erikoispalkinnon parhaasta päästä. Maiju kysyi: tuliko se sisä- vai ulkopuolesta?


Time for Finnish PON Club's biggest event of the year: Club Show! The judge was Mrs Kristina Purens from Sweden. She has previously judged Finnish Club Show in 1995 and also Polish Club Show a couple of years ago.

Diesel got a very nice critic and he was placed 3rd in the big class for males 2-5 years old. In the end he was 4th Best Male which was an excellent result considering that all the stars were there. :-)
The judging was very thorough and took quite a long time, and Diesel did not want to just stay still and do nothing for quite such a long time. :-D Good practise! I think it is very important in the club shows that the judge takes the time needed to go thoroughly through all dogs and give long and detailed critics to everyone. :-)
Mrs Purens phraised especially the big class for males of 2-5 years old, she said they were all especially good and true males.

Diesel got a Special award for Best Head. Maiju asked me: is it the inside or the outside of the head that counts?

Diisu jakoi häkin Pöpösen kanssa. Pöpönen oli sitä mieltä, että Diisu ei oikein mahdu samaan häkkiin hänen kanssaan, ja hätisti kiltin Diisun takanurkkaan. Kun Diisu vähänkin liikkui, huomautti Pöpönen, että ei saa töniä!
Diesel shared a crate with The Mop. As tiny little as The Mop is, she still thought there was not enough room for both of them. Poor Diesel tried to take as little room as possible in the far end of the crate. Every time he moved, The Mop growled: Don't push me!

Diisu viikkasi etujalat kropan alle, että vie vähemmän tilaa :-D

Urokset 2-5 v. Diisu vasemmalla.
Males 2-5 years old, Diesel on the left.

Urokset 2-5 v. Diisu vasemmalla.
Males 2-5 years old, Diesel on the left.

"Very much a male, excellent head with wonderful scull. Very strong neck and back. Good angulations all around. Good bone. Good brisquette and good ribcage. Excellent in his proportions. Very good quality of upper coat. Moves with reach and drive."


Urokset 2-5 v. sijoitettuina, Diisu kolmantena.
Males 2-5 years old placed, Diesel get 3rd place.

Paras uros -kilpailu, Diisun sijoitus 4.
Best Male competition, Diesel is placed 4th.

Paras uros -kilpailu, Diisun sijoitus 4.
Best Male competition, Diesel is placed 4th.




Hienosti meni Diisulla, ja päivän kruunasi Diisun kaveri, sijoitusnarttumme Kerttu, joka voitti nartut ja oli VSP :-)
Great results for Diesel. His friend Kerttu (Borgåkers VeeA's Adorable Lady) made the day just perfect, winning the bitches for second year in a row and being BOO.

 Kiitos kaikille mukana olleille superkivasta päivästä!! Sariannalle erityiskiitokset harjaamisesta

Photos by Majka B., Heimo Hokkanen, Ulla-Maija Nikko