Pieleen meni Diisun harjoitus tänään. Juoksunartun hajut vei mukanaan, ja Diisu nuuskutteli ja nuoleskeli "rakennuspalikoita" niitten läpi tunkeutumisen sijaan. Parin kannustettuna onnistuneen suorituksen jälkeenkään ei keskittynyt itse asiaan, joten lopetin homman kesken kaiken ja raahasin koiran hihnassa autoon. Autolla kekkasin laskea Mikon irti ja juoksimme ydhessä sen kanssa raunioille hoitamaan homman kotiin, ja Mikko oli sisällä kasassa jo ennen kuin edes itse ehdin paikalle. Diisu protestoi autossa tyytymättömänä. ;-)
Video on vain Mikosta, jolle tehtiin vielä toinenkin treeni saman tien.


Another training for digging into rubble pile through debris. Not a good training session today. A bitch in heat had trained before us, so Diesel focused mainly on sniffing and licking the "building blocks" rather than doing what he was supposed to do. With some help and encouragement we got a couple of succesful attempts but after he started licking ground again, I put him on leash and - without a word - took him quickly back in the car.
At the car I got the super idea to let Miklos do the job, and released him right there. Miklos of course right away ran to the rubble as fast as he could, and he was inside the rubble pile already before I got there by running. Diesel remained in the car, very unpleased!
The video only shows Miklos who got an extra training session.