Kas kummaa, nyt koira tiesi ihan mistä on kyse. Tein noin 135 m pitkän jäljen pellolle myötätuuleen. Jäljellä oli vuorotellen 2-3 askelta joilla oli ruokaa, sitten 5-10 askelta ilman ruokaa.
Autolta lähtiessä Diesel alkoi heti etsimään jälkeä. Tein taas niin, että kävelin vain koiran kanssa alueelle, josta jälki lähti. Jäljen alussa ei ollut nameja, eli koira joutuu reagoimaan jälkeen eikä ruokaan.

Pienen alkupyöriskelyn jälkeen kone käynnistyi ja Diisu jäljesti ihan mallikkaasti, melko hyvin jäljen päällä pysytellen, keskittyneesti (ei katsonut kertaakaan ympärilleen) ja verkkaista vauhtia, häntä alhaalla roikkuen. Diesel söi noin kolmanneksen ruoasta joka oli jäljellä. Lopussa oli ruokapurkki jolle Diisu kävi makaamaan ilman mitään käskyä. :-)
(Video on lyhennelmä kun olisi muuten aika yksitoikkoinen)


Track no. 2 for this year. And now also the dog knew we were tracking! The track was about 135 m long and there was always 2-3 steps with food and then 5-10 steps without food, and again 2-3 steps with food etc. The wind was blowing from behind us so the dog had to follow the actual smell on the ground and not in the air.

I let Diesel find the track all by himself as I did last year. Already when I took him out of the car and put his tracking harness on him, he started looking for the track! That was a very good sign. :-) We walked towards the area where the track was laid and at some point Diesel found it (I don't put any food in the beginning of the track so he must react to the track first and not to the food). After circling around a little in excitement he started tracking and I must say he worked very nicely! He followed the track quite precisely and ate some of the food. His pace was slow and he didn't lift his head or loose his concentration even once! His tail was hanging down which means he is calm and concentrated.
In the end of the track there was a box of food and when he found it, he lied down without any command. :-)
(The video is shortened because otherwise it would be quite dull and monotonious)