Ei tarvetta selittää, mitä on tapahtunut!
No need to explain what has happened here! :-D

Moppi ja Diisu
The Mop & Diesel

Mustaa, märkää, likaista. Koko kylästä sähköt pois myöhäiseen iltaan asti myrskyn jälkimainingeissa. Kynttilöitten, lyhtyjen ja paristokäytteisten jouluvalojen sekä takkojen avulla saatiin ruoat lämmitettyä ja nähtiin mitä syötiin.

The ground is wet and muddy everywhere. No snow at all. There was the strongest storm in 30 years the previous night and today until noon. We lost electricity from the whole village in the morning. Hundreds of trees have fallen down in the area, some of them on power wires. It gets totally dark around 4 pm. Luckily I have lots of candles at home and we also have some wood stoves to warm the house with. We were fortunate, we got the electricity back around 9 pm. Some people will not have it for several days.