Diesel on kehittynyt taas. Tänään se oli ekaa kertaa tarhassa Mikon kanssa niin, että se oli rauhallinen koko ajan. Ei räkyttänyt turhia eikä rämpyttänyt portilla. Koirat on olleet tarhassa nyt puolesta tunnista pariin tuntiin, mutta toivon pääseväni takaisin 4-5 tuntiin päivittäin.

Ylipäätään rämpyttäminen on hyvin harvinaista nykyään verrattuna ensimmäiseen viikkoon!

Ulkona se ei enää ihan koko ajan ärsytä Mikkoa räkyttämällä ja hyörimällä sen edessä. Välillä se ottaa ihan itse lelun suuhun ja pitää omaa kivaa.

Eilen illalla meillä oli hälytys. Lähdin Miklosin kanssa ja ajattelin, että Diesel huutaa ja rämpyttää tuntikaupalla peräämme, eikä T saa sitä hiljenemään. T ja D kun ei muutenkaan ole vielä kovin lämmenneet toisilleen (eikä voi kumpaakaan kehua edes yrityksestä), kunhan elävät, minusta johtuen, samassa talossa.
Mutta Diesel olikin asettunut ihan hyvin aloilleen ja ollut ihan hiljaa! Tai ainakin sitten puhissut ja huokaillut sen verran hiljaa, että T sai nukuttua, ja hänhän tunnetusti nukkuu kuin tukki.

Diesel ei muutenkaan täällä sisällä enää hötkyile niin paljon minun perääni, vaan voi olla jo rauhallisemmin portin takana viereisessä huoneessa tai häkissä; tai odottaa rauhassa yläkerrassa kun minä käyn alhaalla.

Diesel on nyt myös vakuutettu, viime viikon karkureissusta viisastuneena tuli tuokin rästiin jäänyt asia hoidettua.
Onneksi ihan heti kun se tuli Suomeen, haimme sille eläinlääkärin todistuksen siitä, että purukalusto on kaikinpuolin täydellinen, ehjä ja oikein asettunut, sillä nyt jo on yksi hammas poikki. Miklosin suuhun kun katsoo niin tietää miten kovassa kulutuksessa ja törmäilyssä käy (useita etuhampaita poikki ja yksi ihan pirstaleiksi mennyt poistettu), ja siksi oltiin ennalta viisaita ja haettiin Dieselille tuo hammastodistus heti ensimmäisenä päivänä Suomessa.

Hiljaa hyvä tulee. :-)

Diesel is making positive progress, slowly. Today he was out in the dog fence CALMLY with Miklos for the first time. There was no excessive barking or anxiety or digging by the gate. Of course he was not yet fully comfortable, but for the first time, he was ok for the whole time they were there (which is only 1-2 hours) and I can see them through the window all the time. I hope to increase the time to 4-5 hours daily.

In general, he does much less digging and scratching by gates and doors nowadays compared to his first week with us.

Outside on the yard Diesel irritates Miklos less nowadays: he still barks at Miklos and runs around him, but less. Sometimes he might pick up a toy all by himself and play and run with it. So it is not so much all about following Miklos anymore.

Last night we got a call for real emengency search. It was late in the evening (and thunder storm of course, I wonder why it is never a good weather when people disappear?) as I packed my bag and took off with Miklos.
I was sure Diesel would cry and howl and bark after us and be desperate and dig and scratch all doors and gates. I was sure that my man Mr T would not get him to calm down. He and Diesel have not yet bonded too much, it seems they don't much care about each other, they just live in the same house because of me. ;-D
I was very suprised to hear that Diesel had calmed down rather well, and not barked! I am sure he had huffed and puffed and sighed loudly (he makes awfully lots of different sounds even when just lying down), but still so silently that Mr T had managed to sleep well.

In general, Diesel is no longer as hysterical about me as he used to be. He is ok with staying behind a gate in another room or in the crate for a few minutes. He calmly waits in the upstairs while I go downstairs to get something.
Of course, he is not always so calm, but he is improving all the time, and he is much better every day.

Diesel is now also insured. That was actually the first thing to do, but I kind of forgot it, until his run-away-adventure!

The first thing we did when we came to Finland was to get a veterinary certificate that Diesel has all teeth, whole teeth, and in correct positions. ;-D
It may sound funny to you, but, well, looking in Miklos' mouth you could see the result of hard work, lots of accidents, and bumping into things and falling down here-and-there. Miklos has broken his front teeth in upper jaw and one tooth in under jaw was cracked into dozens of pieces so that it had to be removed. One of the several accidents and bumps was when a heavy metallic lid fell open directly on his face (he just backed away and continued barking because the victim was behind the lid) and another time some stick hit him in the mouth as he had a huge wound under his tongue. Both times, damage to teeth happened. Miklos has also experienced some broken rib, had his paws and wrist stiched a couple of times, and multiple smaller wounds around the body; so anything and everything can be expected also for Diesel.

And I was not a day too late with Diesel's teeth certificate, because he has one broken tooth now. ;-)