Kotimatkalla Salon rauniotreeneistä pysähdyimme uittamaan koiria. Diesel ei tullut edes rantaan vaan touhotti vaan ympäriinsä pihapiirissä. Koska autossa oli tolkuttoman kuumaa, oli se saatava viilennettyä myös, joten lopulta otin Diisun pannasta rantaan ja työnsin veteen. Työnsin sen pepusta ja hännästä niin pitkälle, ettei tassut enää ottaneet pohjaan. Ehkä noin kolmannella kerralla Diisu lähtikin ihan itse uimaan! Ei pitkälle, mutta pienen lenkin kuitenkin.

Veteen meno oli joka kerta yhtä hankalaa pepusta työntämistä, mutta sinne päästyään Diisu näytti ihan pitävän uimista kivana kokemuksena. Tosi outoa - yleensä koiran kauhu kasvaa jos sitä pakotetaan, mutta ei ainakaan nyt Diisun kohdalla.


On the way back home from Salo rubble training sessions we stopped by a river to let the dogs swim. It was extremely hot in the car. I wanted Diesel, too, to cool in the water a little. But he really dislikes water and did not come at all near it. Miklos was swimming in all directions in the river but Diesel just ran around on land.

Finally I grabbed Diesel by the collar and forced him into the water. I pushed him in his big behind until he was so deep in the water that he must swim. After about third attempt it happened! He stood still for a moment (you can see it in the video) and clearly was a little amazed of what to do. And then he started swimming! He did not swim long, but he did swim!

We repeated it several times, and every time we had to push him into the water but once he was in it, he took off to swim! He is an odd dog. Usually, if you force a dog, he will become even more afraid. But Diesel didn't mind, really.

P.S. Look how dirty the water looks, and how white Diesel is when he comes out of it. Isn't it strange? It looked very muddy but it isn't at all.