Uusi yritys. Diesel ei saanut ilta- eikä aamuruokaa ja nyt palkkana oli naudan mahaa. Alakuloinen poika radalle mennessä, hieman haluton ja hidas. Ekan maalimeihen (ja palkan) jälkeen piristyi, motivoitui. Rata meni sattumoisiin niin, että seuraavan maalimiehen haju tuli aina edelliselle ja niin Diesel eteni reippaasti ja hyvin. Lopussa kahden pallon leikki.

Another try in the same place. This Diesel got no dinner last night and no food this morning. He was hungry and feeling under the weather, and slow. After the first victim his motivation rised and he worked well and rather fast (for his tempo) for the rest of the exercise. The wind was blowing in good direction, Diesel got the scent of the next victim very soon after the previous one. In the end he got to play with his rubber balls.