Tänään harjoittelimme Tampereen raunioradalla. Diisulle otettiin muutaman kerran harjoitus, jossa sillä oli vain yksi maalimies. Nyt kun liikkuminen raunioilla alkaa olla aika kelvollista, on seuraavaksi otettava teemaksi koiran irtoaminen etsimään pois näkyvistä asti heti ensimmäisellä lähetyksellä. Samaan hengenvetoon täytyy todeta, että ilokseni ole huomannut, että Diesel on alkanut ymmärtää lähetyksen. Se lähtee jotakuinkin annettuun suuntaan kun lähetän, eikä jää vain hengailemaan luokseni tai katsomaan kättäni. :-)


Today we trained in Tampere rubble area. I only put one victim out for Diesel each time, and he got to search three times during the day. Now that he moves on the rubble sufficiently, it is time to choose the next theme. This will be send-out. When sent, the dog must alone go a long wau to search for a victim. For a long time Diesel did not know what to do, he just tossed around me until he caught a scent in the air. And at first when I tried to send him forwards, he just looked at my hand. To my delight I discovered today that now he understands the "send-out". He goes towards the direction that I point. Of course I still do the send-out clues with all my body, I don't only point the direction but also take a step towards it.

In our national rubble tests the handler is not allowed to enter the area before the dogs is sent out and goes so far that the handler doesn't see him. Tactically you can be a wise handler and send him behind a rubble pile so he disappear quickly out of sight, but it is not always possible. ;-)
In IPOR trials the dog must work alone on rubble all the time, the handler is not allowed to enter the site at all.
So either way, Diesel must learn to take distance from me and work independently.